
Athlete Support Service

The Athlete Support Service (SAE in Catalan) is a free service to support athlete’s training. It is focused on academic and/or professional branch. It is a point of reference and guidance on topics related to the athlete’s future professional project. The SAE is a place to advise and reconcile their professional goals for the future with their present sportive objectives.

This is a service to advise the athletes throughout their sporting career in order to guide and help them. The SAE is a free service to support the athletes’ integral education. Offered by the Catalan General Secretary of Sport, it is located in Sant Cugat CAR’s facilities.

The services offered by the SAE are customized and individual, according to the sports stage and needs of each athlete:

  1. Guidance in academic and/or professional education.
  2. Guidance on creating a personal project.
  3. Monitoring and coordinating with mentoring programs for athletes of Catalan universities.
  4. Advice on finding jobs.
  5. Support in the process of retirement.