Training Camp of the Portuguese women’s and men’s trampoline teams
Portugal’s women’s and men’s trampoline teams spent this week at the CAR, training together with the group led by Guillem Villa.
The Portuguese gymnasts, as part of the #teamCAR, are preparing for the next World Cup in Varna (Bulgaria), which will count towards the Olympic ranking, and the
World’s Championship in Birmingham in November.
In the Portuguese team that is in the CAR these days there are almost all the gymnasts who are fighting for the classification in the Olympic Games. Among the boys, they are Gabriel Alburquerque, Pedro Ferreira and Lucas Santos; and the girls opting for Paris 2024 Ingrid Simao, Sofia Correia and Caterina Nunes).
Portugal has taken part in all the editions of the Olympic Games in which the trampoline has been present in the Olympic program: Sydney 2000, Athens 2004, Beijing 2008, London 2012, Rio 2016 and Tokyo 2020.
The two national teams, Portuguese and Spanish, have a very fluid relationship, and they often have joint stays like the one these days, which are beneficial for both teams.
The CAR gymnasts who will participate in the World Cup in Varna, which will take place on the 4th of October, are David Franco, David Vega and Noemí Romero.