Historic results at the World Sr Championships in trampoline gymnastics
The city of Birmingham hosted the World Trampoline Championship this November, first the absolute (from 9 to 12) and then by age group (from 16 to 19).
On behalf of the CAR, athletes David Franco, Andrés Martínez, Noemí Romero, Robert Vilarasau and David Vega participated in the senior Championship, who traveled accompanied by the trampoline coach, Guillem Villa. The results achieved were historic, being able to qualify for the team finals in both the men’s and women’s trampoline, as well as the Double MiniTramp (DMT).
The men’s trampoline team, made up of David Vega, David Franco, Robert Vilarasau and Jorge Martín, were silver medal, as was the DMT team, made up of David Franco and Andrés Martínez from the CAR group, Carlos del Ser and Nicolás Toribio).
The women’s trampoline team, of which Noemí Romero was part, finished fourth in the final, being the first time in history that Spain qualified for the women’s final.
As for the individual competition, the most outstanding result of the #teamCAR was the silver medal won by David Franco in the DMT. In trampoline, David Vega was 21st, while Noemí Romero was 22nd.
As for the age category competition, #teamCAR athletes Albert Cid, Xavi Fontanillas, Alejandro Laprida, Paula Solano and Gloria Verdejo traveled to the British city, accompanied by coach Alejandro Milán.
In the 15-16 years category, Gloria Verdejo and Paula Solano could not finish their free exercise, Albert Cid was 19th.
In the 17-21 category, Alejandro Laprida was out of positions 8-12, despite having done a very good first exercise. Xavi Fontanillas, for his part, entered the final with the fifth best score, eventually finishing seventh.